Bio-Mos® Equine Digestion Supplement Questions

  • No, you do not need to change your feeding program. As a horse digestive supplement, Bio-Mos will enhance the nutrition you are giving, but not alter the vitamin/mineral ratios of your dietary program.

  • Often horses with compromised immune systems or ulcer-type conditions do best when they are fed Bio-Mos consistently. However, your veterinarian may suggest or prescribe Bio-Mos short-term to help after surgery, antibiotics, or when diarrhea occurs after worming.

  • No, you cannot overfeed. Horses will not use what they don’t need. It does not build up in their system.

  • Yes, you can feed more, if needed. The amounts suggested are a maintenance serving. At times of stress to the horse’s system, you may need to feed 2x’s, or more, depending on the size of your horse

  • Most horses readily slurp it up when mixed in with their other feed. Picky eaters may need to get used to the fragrance and flavor gradually. As they become accustomed to the taste, often horses will eat it all by itself.

  • Problems such as diarrhea and gassiness often improve in a few days. However, benefits such as improved coat and hoof condition, ulcers and immune system, may take longer.


Mare & Foal